We are pleased to announce the release of our 2022 Annual Report. Reflecting on the past year, we're excited to share the strides we've made in conservation efforts across the globe. From safeguarding endangered species to empowering communities, our work has had a significant impact. This e-newsletter provides a glimpse into our annual report, highlighting key achievements and what lies ahead.

An Impactful Year

In 2022, WildLandscapes championed several groundbreaking conservation initiatives. In the U.S., our Bear Hill project in New Hampshire secured US$7.1 million in funding, focusing on protecting 14,080 acres of vital ecosystems. The Green Heart of the Everglades project in Florida received a special US$35 million appropriation, getting us one step closer to bridging an 11,142-acre gap in protected lands. Internationally, our Kenya project aims to conserve 554,000 acres, focusing on the Eastern black rhino as a keystone species. In India, we partnered with Aaranyak to secure a US$291,730 grant, laying the groundwork for wildlife corridors. We also made strides in Alaska, Latin America, and South Africa, including significant progress in preserving the endangered Renosterveld Ecosystem.

New Features

This year, we've added new elements to our annual report to enhance its visual appeal and include perspectives that matter most: those of our partners on the ground. The report features '2022 In Numbers' and a 'Global Map' for a quick and visual overview. In 'Voices from the Field,' we hear from key contributors like Steve Agius and Andrew C. French for Bear Hill, Curtis E. Osceola for Green Heart of the Everglades, Samuel Mutisya for our Kenya initiative, and M. Firoz Ahmed for our work in India. The 'Looking into 2023' section outlines our future plans

Financial Highlights of 2022

In 2022, we secured a total revenue of US$1,741,648.72, which was strategically allocated to various conservation projects and initiatives. Despite a net operating income deficit, our financial decisions were calculated risks aimed at setting the stage for future successes. With administrative costs making up just 8.92% of total expenditure, we continue to prioritize impactful conservation work. As we transition into a more mature organization, we are optimistic about our ability to sustain and expand our conservation efforts.

For a more detailed look at our work, projects, and financials, you can access the full annual report below. We encourage you to delve into the details to better understand the scope and impact of our work.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our supporters. Your commitment is central to our ongoing success. As we look forward to 2023, we are excited about the opportunities that lie ahead.

Thank you for being an essential part of the WildLandscapes International community.

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