WildLanscapes International united key players in Kenyan conservation for high-level meetings in Washington, D.C. this past June. This collaboration marks a milestone in our ongoing conservation efforts, as it is the first time our partners have come together as a coalition to lobby congress.
Our goal: advocate for increased U.S. financial support for African conservation, with a special focus on creating a contiguous habitat for Eastern black rhino in Laikipia.
Our efforts to protect the minerals beneath Big Cypress National Preserve’s surface are picking up steam, and we're doing our best to get the word about preventing oil exploration operations. Big Cypress National Preserve’s importance can’t be understated, and it's time we protect it forever.
"The new operations would mark the first expansion of oil drilling since the preserve was created a half century ago in the midst of the 1970s oil crisis," wrote Jenny Staletovich in her article for South Florida’s WLRN. Follow the link to the full article, and keep reading here to learn more about the work that’s left to be done.
WildLandscapes International is assisting the ORCT with securing 1,825 acres of Critically Endangered Renosterveld, one of the most endangered vegetation types on the planet. This vital habitat will adjoin and extend the Nature Preservation, ensuring that it is protected going forward.
These are only two properties with this amount of renosterveld remaining and the only way of securing them is through purchase. Donors have raised half the funds needed for purchase, but without the remaining funds the conservation areas will remain unsecured.